Friday, February 26, 2010

What does it mean when you dream about someone's house built upside down?

I had a dream about this man who I am interested in. His house was built upside down and he was staying in an apartment until his house was finished being rebuilt. It had to be rebuilt because it was originally built upside down.What does it mean when you dream about someone's house built upside down?
Maybe you think his life has been chaotic and he is trying to get rightside up. Or perhaps his house is heavy in debt he cannot afford. Maybe he is changing his way of life for you from bad boy to good boy?What does it mean when you dream about someone's house built upside down?
The last sentence of Boo's statement i agree with, he was maybe raised rough, or was a wild child (built upside down), and has interest in changing his ways (or you wish him to change his ways).

Its not unusual for a woman's nurturing ways to want fix someone.

Either way, don't expect him to change all at once, and don't jump him with every mistake, he has likely heard them before, and through that, those ppl likely never hear from him.
stay away from this man until his house is built right side up...he has issues far to deep for anyone other than him to have to deal with, or you just don't know much about him and should take your time becoming his friend and see how that goes, watching out for the almost certain red flags he will generate.
Maybe, He is just not ready for anything. Maybe he needs to get his feet planted first. OR Maybe he will not be able to financially provide for you.


More than likely, YOU were just DREAMING... not everything has to mean something. I have dreams about the guy I like ALL THE TIME. so honestly, I don't think it really means that much.
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